- Categories Red Ribbon Cell
- Date February 7, 2021
As per the guidelines of CBCSS the college monitors the progress of the students through continuous summative and formative evaluation that consists of tests, seminars, assignments, projects and attendance. The college implements the internal evaluation process effectively and in the centralized mode as per a pre-published schedule. The department publishes the grades of the individual components of internal evaluation on completion of the evaluation. CLMC (college level monitoring committee) is responsible for the proper conduct of internal examinations in the college. College Level Monitoring Committee will be reconstituted by the principal on commencement of each academic year. The CLMC comprises of Principal, HODs of all department and the convener who is the elected representatives of the teachers. Principal is the Chairperson of CLMC. Every semester has one centrally controlled internal assessments. CLMC is responsible for scheduling, collecting question papers, preparing a list of invigilators and making seating arrangements. The CLMC coordinator prepares the schedule for the internal examination of each department. A department coordinator is also assigned for the smooth execution of the examinations. This committee is responsible for the conduct of First-degree programme, ensuring instructional days, making arrangements for ESE of various semesters. They also take up all the complaints not redressed by the DLMCs. The teachers evaluate the answer sheets within one week after the examinations. Evaluated scripts are discussed with students and suggestions are given for their improvement. Attendance and assignments are evaluated for each student and marks awarded as per university guidelines. Students who are not able to attend the exam are given an opportunity to appear for the exam again, given they provide valid reasons for their absence.
Members : Dr. N B Sreekala, Dr. M G Biju